Nous contacter
Vous souhaiteriez intégrer nos résines dans la fabrication de vos produits ? Contactez nous pour en parler.
- Chemical engineer ( Lyon) – 25 Years experience in Plastics
- R&D manager at 3M USA (Post-it, Biax films for tapes)
- Sales Manager – Turnkey plant to produce Biax films (PP, PE, PET, PA, PLA …)
- Consultant for film manufacturer (Superfilm, Agusa, 3M)
- Entrepreneur (founder of ERANOVA and IDEAS)
- Experts in Bioplastics (3 patents)
- Developer of the ERANOVA Technology
+33 616 400 707
- Business school (Paris) + Electronic Engineer – 25 years experience
- Entrepreneur (founder of Less France – 2000 )
- Entrepreneur (founder of Alternative Plastics – 2006 Additives for Plastics)
- European Plastic Expert Normative organization (BNPP, Europe, ASTM, ISO)
- 2018 innovation award : sac anti gaspi
- African market specialist
+33 613 48 46 83
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